Monday, 27 February 2017

Evaluation: Question 3) What have you learnt from your audience feedback?


By identifying the target audience, which is vital before creating a music video as all the elements associated with a music video including the artist, characters, themes, settings, mise en scene etc are all related to the target audience. Therefore, we identified our target audience through a questionnaire, allowing us to find out all the important information about them. Once we discovered everything we needed to know about them we made decisions regarding our music video. This is the key areas and requirements we identified:
  • Genre: The genre of my song is Alternative/Jazz, as we chose to use the song 'Syrup & Honey' by Duffy.
  • Gender: My music video is targeted at both males and females, though it can be perceived as targeting females more due to them being able to relate to the narrative more effectively than males.
  • Age: My music video is targeted at individuals aged 18-30 years old.
  • Ethnicity: My video is targeted at all ethnic groups to appeal a larger audience.
  • Occupation: E1-C2- The music video involves normal, working class artists, and the locations consist of lower/working class areas, which is appealing and relatable to audiences with from an E1-C2 occupation.
  • Hobbies and interests: There are no specific hobbies or interests that our audience are expected to have as the music video draws upon various themes. However, our target audience may be interested in particular hobbies and interests such as music, travelling, arts, etc.

Questionnaire and graphs

During the initial planning stages I carried out a questionnaire in order to receive feedback about my upcoming music video, identifying who my target audience was, what they liked to see and expected from a music video. This primary research enabled me to gain audience feedback and identify that the Alternative/Jazz genre was a popular choice, encouraging me to choose this as my genre. As a result, I completed the final questionnaire and received feedback, creating graphs to express my results. From this, I was able to make clear decisions about my narrative, characters, mise en scene, cinematography etc, allowing me to create a music video that was targeted at the correct audience and was suitable for them, meeting their expectations.

Here is the questionnaire created, 20 people in total were asked to participate, consisting a variety of closed, open and multiple choice questions.

The key questions we asked and the feedback we received that were vital in influencing our future decisions included:

From the evidence, we identified that the majority of the people contributing to our questionnaire wanted to see the theme of morality. As a result, we were able to include the theme of morality as well as loneliness, addiction and self-disruption that were more likely to appeal to an older audience and music genre.

Most of the audience agreed that lip syncing was not necessary in the music video, therefore we decided  that the music video will focus on the narrative with little lip sync from the main artist to appeal and reach wider audience.

A majority of the audience agreed that the music video should pass a message, so my peer and I decided to place a quote from the main artist struggling with her addiction at the end of video, to leave the audience thinking and create a relationship were the viewers can relate with the character and make the music video successful. 

Most of the target audience agreed to both, a non-traditional narrative and traditional narrative within the Alternative/Jazz genre. Therefore, in order to make the music video successful we included both traditional and non-traditional narrative in our music video.

How did this help you make decisions?

The questions we asked and the feedback we received about our upcoming music video helped us because we identified what the audience wanted and expected from the music video, allowing us to make key decisions based on these factors. For example, after finding out that the audience were more interested in seeing themes such as morality and passing a message within the music video we made sure that we follow these advices, so when it came to filming we filmed the artist bearing this in mind. Without the creation of a questionnaire, we would not have had any feedback to draw upon which may have put my group and me at a disadvantage, as we would have had little knowledge about our target audience, and what they liked/ expected to see in an Alternative/Jazz music video. Therefore, the use of research has been extremely helpful in allowing us to carry out our decisions, as we continuously referred to our graphs to help us finalise our storyboard which contained everything about the shooting of each scene.

What is the importance of receiving critical feedback once the production has been made?

Once a production is finalised, it is important to get your target audience to view your product and give feedback to help you make small changes helping to finalise the product, making it as successful and appealing as possible. After identified that it was vital to receive critical feedback on our completed production, we held a focus group, inviting AS and A2 film and media students to watch our production and view our ancillary products, allowing them to provide us with feedback, consisting of positives and negatives. From this, we were able to make small changes to our production based on the feedback we received, making it more effective and successful. 

Focus group pictures:

SoundCloud Feeback:

Why did you put your work on Facebook and Instagram?

I put my work on Facebook as I wanted to share my work with my family and friends on a global scale in order to get their opinions about my production. I figured that Facebook was the most suitable social networking site to share it on as many people use it for educational purposes as well as social purposes, also allowing them to like, comment and share my video. This would ensure that audiences from various age groups, including my target audience aged 18-30 would view my video and give me truthful feedback. This was successful as I received a large amount of likes and comments, allowing me to see what was good about the video and what needed to be improved.

I also posted my video on Instagram, allowing my followers to view, like and comment on my video. It was important for me to share my music video on various social networking sites as it encouraged my video to be viewed by a global audience, making my video globally identified and successful, as well as allowing my artist to be recognised by a larger audience, increasing her fame and success.

Some general comments I received on Facebook and Instagram:


-  " I like the use of a distinctive narrative rather than a cliche one, it creates adrenaline for the audience as they do not know what to expect."

- " The editing techniques used in the music video are unique and effective for the narrative and creates excitement for the audience."

- " The message at the end of the music video is powerful and universal, meaning that anyone can relate to it.


- " The narrative can be unclear sometimes."

- "The shots of the female artist can be repetitive at times."

- " The lighting used at the beginning of the music video is dark preventing the audience to fully see that artist 's face. "

What did you learn from this audience feedback in terms of whether you created a conventional and successful music video?

I learnt that a majority of the audience, including my target audience and even those from other age categories liked my music video, giving me positive feedback. From this, I learnt that my music video was conventional as it was positively received by a mass audience, which may have been different if my music video was niche and only specifically targeted at a niche audience or specific subcultures identified by Hebdige. Also, despite the few negative comments I received including the representation of the characters and the cinematography, I was able to take this criticism on board making small amendments to my video to help overcome these issues. Moreover, these criticisms are also useful as they could help me in the future if I was to create this music video again.


To conclude, I promoted my music video on various media platforms, including; Facebook, Instagram and Youtube as they are all globally accessible and therefore fit for our purpose, which included presenting our music video to a wider audience, allowing it to receive popularity as well as feedback to improve the video, maximising its success. This task was beneficial as it gave me an insight on what people wanted to see and how to improve my music video even better. The overall feedback I received was positive, although we did receive some fair criticism, allowing room for improvement. Those who provided us with criticism encouraged us to see where we went wrong and how we could improve. It also set an audience that we wanted to target, therefore addressing and attracting the spectators. By starting my research from my questionnaire, I believe that my peer and I made massive progress on attracting our audience around our music video.

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